Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Maintaining Healthy Habits-In Five Simple Steps

#allowyour #TreasureValley #WellnessCoaches #tohelpyou #onyourjourney

“Many people have excess stress that affects their health, happiness, and other areas of their lives. (In fact, it’s been estimated that more than 90% of health problems that bring people into the doctor’s office are stress-related!) But while virtually all of us could benefit from adding healthy habits to our lifestyle, it’s harder to begin a new habit than it seems, especially when you’re already overscheduled and overstressed!
The following steps can help you navigate a clear path from your good intentions to the reality of a healthier, happier lifestyle that includes less stress. Ready? Here we go!
• Step One: Choose Your Activity Wisely:
The first step in creating a healthy new habit that will be a long-term staple in your lifestyle is to choose an activity that fits well with who you are and how you live. If you don’t, you may find that you’re working against personality and lifestyle factors that are two ingrained to change, and your new healthy habit never quite takes root. When choosing a new practice, keep in mind factors like your strengths, your schedule and lifestyle, and the complexity of the new habit, as well as your current stress level and time available, and find an activity that fits well with all of these variables. For a more in-depth look at these factors, take The Stress Reliever Personality Test, which will assess which stress relievers would work best for your lifestyle and personality, and provide you with a list.
• Step Two: Build The New Habit into Your Schedule
If you don’t have a specific plan for sticking with a new habit, it’s all too easy to find that your already-packed schedule won’t allow you the ‘spare time’ necessary to do anything new very often. You’ll be too busy, too tired, or will easily find another excuse to let inertia snuff out your best intentions. That’s why a crucial next step is for you to find a specific time in your schedule that’s allotted just for your new stress management activity.
Whether it’s ‘every morning before my shower’, 'during my lunch break', or ‘weeknights at 8’, you need to have a time that you know is set aside for your chosen activity so that you won’t need to continually find a reason to practice your stress relief program.
Many people find it easiest to do things in the morning before they start their day, or at night before bed. Others find snatches of time during the day.
• Step Three: Enlist Support (this is where we (as #personalwellnesscoaches #stepin)
You’ll find much more success if you have others who are helping you along the way. Not only will they give you support when you need it, but you’ll also have them to answer to if you feel like skipping your new stress management practice, and this will make it harder for you to make excuses and quit. One way to get support that is growing in popularity is to hire a personal coach. However, you can also get support by having a buddy start with you, or joining a class where they practice your chosen activity (like a yoga class, for example, or a meditation class). **JOIN OUR FREE #FITCAMPS**
If you’d rather do it alone, you can always ask a friend to keep you accountable for the first few weeks, or keep a journal where you record your activity and success every day or at the end of each week. Whatever route you choose, it helps to have someone to keep you accountable, at least in the beginning.
• Step Four: Use Goals and Rewards (again, allow your #personal #wellnesscoaches #tohelp)
Although the great feelings you get from stress management can be their own reward, in starting any new habit, it helps to also have some more tangible rewards. (Think of how teachers use stars and other tokens to encourage good behavior, or how you can train pets to do just about anything with a few small treats; none of us is above the power of a few good rewards, either.) The trick is to reward yourself for your first few steps until your new healthy habit becomes ingrained into your way of life.
(The first month or so is especially important, as that’s the approximate time it takes for a new behavior to become a habit.) The rewards you give yourself are a personal choice, and you probably know what would be the best incentive for your own success, but I recommend something small and enjoyable. For example, when I first started going to the gym, I would reward every five gym visits with a new piece of workout clothing—that way I’d feel like I ‘earned’ the new outfits, and I’d also get the payoff of looking better in the dressing room each time I found myself there. Others I know have given themselves pedometers (to reward regular walking), soothing music (to reward and use with yoga practice) or beautiful new pens (to reward journal writing).
• Step Five: Check In With Yourself to Be Sure You're On The Right Track
As you go, pay special attention to how you feel. Does your new practice seem to fit with your lifestyle? Is it easy to maintain your new habit, or do you think you may need to try something new? If you find that you haven’t kept up with your new plans as you’ve hoped, rather than beating yourself up over it, congratulate yourself for noticing that you need a change of plans—it’s the first step in building a new plan that will better serve you!
And, if you’re trudging along with it, but have decided that you really may need to try something else instead, at least you know what doesn’t work for you as well, and now you can try something else that you may end up loving. All in all, it’s best to learn several new stress relievers and stress management techniques anyway, to have a few options available for reducing stress in your body and mind. (For ideas on what to try, visit this article on how to choose a stress management habit you can stick with.) Good luck, and have fun!”~ Elizabeth Scott, M.S.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Importance of Small Meals or Snacks

"Having a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours keeps your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day."

Try these healthy ideas or one of the many snack ideas from #Herbalife: #roastedsoynuts #beveragemix #proteinbardeluxe #proteinbar or #soupmix.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Your Perfect Healthy Meal

"Make sure your diet includes balanced and colorful meals that have a variety of grains, vegetables and fruits, as well as high-quality proteins like lean meats, fish and poultry. Also, increase physical activity and reduce time spend in sedentary behaviors"~Herbalife
As the picture indicates, 1/2 your plate should be vegetables, chose different types/colors to provide a "colorful" variety. Also, need something a bit different, fill that half of the plate with 1/2 veggies and 1/2 fresh fruit. Make sure your grains are WHOLE grains such as brown rice and brown pasta. 5oz of lean meat, fish or poultry (the serving should fit in the palm of your hand).

Thursday, July 23, 2015


?? #Didyouknow ??

"#Soybeans are high in protein and equivalent to animal protein in terms of the quality of protein they contain."~National Institutes of Health 2010

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Improve Your Running

Improve Your Running Time with a Hip Flexor Workout with Samantha Clayton

As a cyclist and former marathoner, I’m always looking for ways to get the most of my workouts. I recently came across a short video by Samantha Clayton on how to improve running time with a simple hip flexor workout. The best part is that she offers tailored exercises, so whether you’re a new runner or an experienced athlete, you can take advantage of the exercise.

Here’s the video:

Friday, July 17, 2015


Did You Know? 

"Most people in the United States eat about 10 to 15 grams of dietary fiber each day, far below the recommended amount. How much fiber should adults consume every day for good health? Women and men age 50 or younger need 25 grams and 35 grams of fiber, respectively. Women and men 51 and older need 22 grams and 28 grams of fiber, respectively."~Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tip of the Day 070215

DID YOU KNOW?  The good news is that no matter what your weight loss goal is, even a modes weight loss, such as 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight, is likely to produce health benefits. ~CDC 2013