Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Use 'Diet' as a Noun

by John H Sklare

"Let me ask you a question: When you think of the word diet, do you think of it as a noun or a verb? The answer to that question may well explain why “dieting” is difficult for so many of you.

Those who struggle the most with weight loss and lifestyle change are those who intend to change their eating habits only for the short-term. The problem with short-term commitment is that it typically results in short-term success at best. The key to successful long-term lifestyle change lies in finding and nurturing a lifelong commitment.

So back to my initial question regarding how you view the word diet. According to the dictionary, diet is defined as follows: “What a person or animal usually eats and drinks: daily fare.

In this definition, diet is a noun that refers to the food you eat as part of your regular daily nutritional intake. In this way, diet is defined as your nutritional lifestyle. It’s when you think of diet as a verb that you get into trouble. The truth is, being successful at long-term weight loss is really all about whether you’re truly committed to lifestyle change or just involved in dieting. It all comes down to whether you see diet as a noun or a verb! How do you see this word?"

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Why Stress Makes Us Fat

by Jorge Cruise

"Stress is often to blame for weight gain. And it’s not the resulting emotional eating that’s the problem. When you feel stressed, you actually trigger your fight-or-flight response. Your body then releases a number of stress hormones, notably cortisol.
These hormones are designed to help you better handle your stressor by speeding up your heart rate, dilating your blood vessels and shunting blood away from your digestive track so it can go where you need it: your muscles.

Your liver also makes fuel in the form of sugar (from stored glycogen), so you have enough energy to “fight” or “flee” the stressor. However, today’s stressors aren’t dinosaurs or club-wielding cavemen – they’re more intangible, such as meeting work deadlines and paying speeding tickets.

Your body doesn’t use the sugar your liver produces because you didn’t actually fight or flee. But your liver doesn’t know that and continues to trigger your brain to make you feel hungry. The extra calories you end up eating – all in response to that stress – get stored in fat cells.

If you chronically trigger your fight-or-flight response, your body will try to store up as much fat as possible, and you’ll gain unnecessary weight."

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Health Benefits of the Lunch Break

by John H. Sklare

"Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you might want to reconsider, because there are definitely health advantages to taking a breather away from work. Of course, to a degree, the need may very well depend on the demands of your job.

For example, jobs that require acute concentration, such as an air traffic controller, demand more break time than that of, say, a night watchman in a factory. The more intense and demanding the job, the more necessary it is to take breaks!

One survey found that 60% of the respondents eat lunch at their desks, and less than 10% take a full hour or more. It appears that the lunch break is becoming a thing of the past. If you find yourself among those who don't break away for lunch, you may be doing yourself more harm than good.

The professionals agree that it is good for your brain as well as your spirit. For example, researchers believe that a reason we sleep at night is that our brains need the downtime to rest and repair themselves. A lunch break gives your brain a similar opportunity. And emotionally, the lunch break gives you time to get away from the cognitive demands of your job, relax a bit and recharge your emotional batteries. I think taking a lunch break should be part of everybody's wellness program. Just make sure you're eating healthfully during that lunch break!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Fast Road to Health

The Fast Road to Health
By John H. Sklare

"For those interested in making healthy choices – but don't like referring to food as good food and bad food – I suggest you start thinking in terms of stop food and go food...

Imagine that you are going to take a trip to Aunt Betty's and you want to get there as fast as legally possible. You have two possible routes to choose from and both are equal in distance. However, route one has 15 stop signs between you and Aunt Betty's house while route two has just one stop sign. So here's the question: Which route will get you there faster? They're equidistant, so the answer is obviously route two, because you only have to stop once. With that in mind, let's return to the stop food and go food suggestion I just proposed.

If you think of food in terms of stop food and go food, you'll instantly know the results of your actions. If you choose stop food (unhealthy food), it will take you much longer to reach your goal. And research shows that the longer it takes to lose weight, the more likely you are to lose motivation and abandon your journey. However, if you choose go food (healthy food), you'll test your resolve less and reach your destination much more quickly! Also, just as stop-and-go driving is harder on your vehicle than non-stop open highway driving, injecting unhealthy food into your system breaks your body down and increases the time you need to spend on the road to weight loss. The lesson here is simple: Choose go food and take the faster road to health!"

#health #wellness #nutrition #fitness #inspiration #energizerbunny

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Diet or Exercise - What's More Important?

by Jorge Cruise

Side note: as a Personal Wellness Coach this is what I teach my clients

"Fitness is important, but pay attention to your diet too. What you eat is 80% of your health, so try to eat no more than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs a day.

Why? Some researchers now say that diet – not exercise – is the key to losing weight. A Loyola University Health System study compared African American women in Chicago with women in rural Nigeria, and it found that the Windy City women weighed an average of 184 pounds – 57 pounds more than their Nigerian counterparts. The researchers had predicted that the thinner Nigerian women burned more calories because they were more physically active, but they were wrong! They found that the two groups actually burn the same amount of calories a day, suggesting that their physical activity levels are equal.

So why are Nigerian women slimmer? Because Nigerian women eat foods high in fiber and carbs and low in fat and animal protein. In contrast, almost 50% of a Chicago woman’s diet is comprised of fat. Deep dish pizza may taste great, but it wreaks havoc on your waistline. So ditch the fatty, processed foods – it’s critical to your weight-loss goals."

Feel free to join our health and wellness groups (lots of tips and tools): https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthylivingwellnessandnutrition/

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Monday, November 14, 2016

The Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Hear About Weight Loss - But What You Need to Know

~by Suzanne Hiscock

"Here be the truths.
These are top ten things you don't want to hear about losing weight but what you need to know if you want to get fit. When you truly take these to heart, you'll reach your weight loss and fitness goals much more easily.

10) You are NOT going to end up looking like the latest hot, young model/singer/actress (or male underwear model/actor)!

Let’s face it: your body is your body. It’s the only one you’ve got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can’t change. You can’t make your legs longer or your feet smaller. You can’t grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don’t have to be perfect to be attractive. A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive!

9) It’s better to be muscular and weigh more than to be flabby and weigh less.

I’ve said it so many times: I’d much rather be 135lbs and muscular than 120lbs and flabby. I’ve been both, and 135lbs with a lower percent of body fat was definitely better! I was smaller, stronger and had much more energy. So, don’t always seek that magical number on the scale, but look at your total body composition instead.

8) You can’t get fit in a week.

Okay, well, you can, but only if you’re one week away from being in peak condition and you keep working out. Otherwise, forget about it!

7) You need to put some effort into it.

You want to get fit? You have to work at it. You have to plan it, you have to schedule it, and, most importantly, you have to do it. No excuses.

Sitting on the couch, telling yourself you should be doing something will not burn up a lot of calories. If nothing else, get out there and start walking. And while you’re out there walking think about a plan of action for a healthier you and get started on it today — not tomorrow!

6) You need to exercise.

Can you lose weight just by diet alone? Sure, you can! But if you want to get fit, you need to exercise those muscles, including your heart. And that heart won’t get any exercise if you’re sitting on the couch, eating broccoli.

If you lose the weight that you need to lose and you’ll just end up with a thin, but flabby, body. Get moving! Weight training is ideal, but if you’re really not into weight training, find an activity you like to do that work all your major muscle groups.

5) You need to eat properly.

Putting aside any low carb/low fat/high protein controversies, the simple fact is, if you want a fit body, you need to nourish it. Protein, carbs and fat are important, but vitamins and minerals are key elements that your body needs, too. No matter what way of eating you’re following make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. Add a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet. The next time you go grocery shopping, linger around the produce section and not only pick out some old favorites, but experiment a little by trying something new!

4) You can’t lose weight overnight.

You didn’t gain it overnight — or in two months — and you’re not going to lose it overnight — or in two months. Think of getting fit as a train leaving the station: you start off slow, gather speed and then off you go! Patience is the key here. Look for consistent trends. If you’re really not losing fat and getting stronger after a couple of months, then you need to sit down and honestly analyze what you’re doing. Keep a journal to help you know how you’re really eating and exercising.

3) You can’t spot reduce.

Genetics will decide where the fat will come off. Doing 1000 crunches won’t reduce your belly fat. Nor will 1000 leg lifts get rid of the fat on your inner thighs. Your body does not burn the fat it needs from the body part that you’re exercising. Your body will burn fat much like an onion is peeled, a layer at a time, if you will. So, don’t overdo it on the exercise for one specific body part and look to getting your whole body in shape.

2) There are no quick fixes.

That’s right, you heard me. There are no quick fixes. None. Put all those pills, potions, contraptions and miracle diets in the garbage where they belong. Learn the basics about how your body gains muscle and loses fat, so you won’t get sucked in by another scam again.

1) Fitness is a lifelong commitment!

So, you faithfully work out and eat properly and you’ve reached your goals. Now what? Well, now you’ve got to keep doing it for the rest of your life, that’s what!

You can’t just work your way to being fit and then stop, because you’ll end up exactly like you were before.

Fitness is a lifelong commitment. And, you want to know a secret? It isn’t easy! And anyone who says it is easy is trying to sell you something. Make fitness a lifelong ambition and you’ll reap the rewards of a long and healthy life, filled with energy, strength and an overall sense of well being.

Take these ten things to heart and you'll find it easier to reach your goals. You'll be less stressed about trying to achieve that "perfect" body and much more focused on being healthy.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tomorrow is Too Late

By Jorge Cruise

"From “I’ll start my diet on Monday” to “I can overeat today and make up for it by eating less tomorrow,” there are endless excuses for putting off healthy lifestyle changes.
It’s not that waiting one day – or weekend – to put down that doughnut and pick up a dumbbell is bad, but rather that those “tomorrows” never arrive. This is a form of procrastination, and it always results in disaster.

Few people actually start their diet on Monday and stick with it or make up for today’s excess calories “tomorrow.” And those who do go all out on Monday or eat less to make up for yesterday’s indulgences end up starving themselves and slowing their metabolisms.

When you truly respect your body, you’ll stick to healthful food portions all the time and never punish yourself by waiting until 'tomorrow.'"

Ready to get started. PM me for information regarding our upcoming Online Weight Loss Challenge.