Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Health Benefits of the Lunch Break

by John H. Sklare

"Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you might want to reconsider, because there are definitely health advantages to taking a breather away from work. Of course, to a degree, the need may very well depend on the demands of your job.

For example, jobs that require acute concentration, such as an air traffic controller, demand more break time than that of, say, a night watchman in a factory. The more intense and demanding the job, the more necessary it is to take breaks!

One survey found that 60% of the respondents eat lunch at their desks, and less than 10% take a full hour or more. It appears that the lunch break is becoming a thing of the past. If you find yourself among those who don't break away for lunch, you may be doing yourself more harm than good.

The professionals agree that it is good for your brain as well as your spirit. For example, researchers believe that a reason we sleep at night is that our brains need the downtime to rest and repair themselves. A lunch break gives your brain a similar opportunity. And emotionally, the lunch break gives you time to get away from the cognitive demands of your job, relax a bit and recharge your emotional batteries. I think taking a lunch break should be part of everybody's wellness program. Just make sure you're eating healthfully during that lunch break!

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