Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Use 'Diet' as a Noun

by John H Sklare

"Let me ask you a question: When you think of the word diet, do you think of it as a noun or a verb? The answer to that question may well explain why “dieting” is difficult for so many of you.

Those who struggle the most with weight loss and lifestyle change are those who intend to change their eating habits only for the short-term. The problem with short-term commitment is that it typically results in short-term success at best. The key to successful long-term lifestyle change lies in finding and nurturing a lifelong commitment.

So back to my initial question regarding how you view the word diet. According to the dictionary, diet is defined as follows: “What a person or animal usually eats and drinks: daily fare.

In this definition, diet is a noun that refers to the food you eat as part of your regular daily nutritional intake. In this way, diet is defined as your nutritional lifestyle. It’s when you think of diet as a verb that you get into trouble. The truth is, being successful at long-term weight loss is really all about whether you’re truly committed to lifestyle change or just involved in dieting. It all comes down to whether you see diet as a noun or a verb! How do you see this word?"

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Why Stress Makes Us Fat

by Jorge Cruise

"Stress is often to blame for weight gain. And it’s not the resulting emotional eating that’s the problem. When you feel stressed, you actually trigger your fight-or-flight response. Your body then releases a number of stress hormones, notably cortisol.
These hormones are designed to help you better handle your stressor by speeding up your heart rate, dilating your blood vessels and shunting blood away from your digestive track so it can go where you need it: your muscles.

Your liver also makes fuel in the form of sugar (from stored glycogen), so you have enough energy to “fight” or “flee” the stressor. However, today’s stressors aren’t dinosaurs or club-wielding cavemen – they’re more intangible, such as meeting work deadlines and paying speeding tickets.

Your body doesn’t use the sugar your liver produces because you didn’t actually fight or flee. But your liver doesn’t know that and continues to trigger your brain to make you feel hungry. The extra calories you end up eating – all in response to that stress – get stored in fat cells.

If you chronically trigger your fight-or-flight response, your body will try to store up as much fat as possible, and you’ll gain unnecessary weight."

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Health Benefits of the Lunch Break

by John H. Sklare

"Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you might want to reconsider, because there are definitely health advantages to taking a breather away from work. Of course, to a degree, the need may very well depend on the demands of your job.

For example, jobs that require acute concentration, such as an air traffic controller, demand more break time than that of, say, a night watchman in a factory. The more intense and demanding the job, the more necessary it is to take breaks!

One survey found that 60% of the respondents eat lunch at their desks, and less than 10% take a full hour or more. It appears that the lunch break is becoming a thing of the past. If you find yourself among those who don't break away for lunch, you may be doing yourself more harm than good.

The professionals agree that it is good for your brain as well as your spirit. For example, researchers believe that a reason we sleep at night is that our brains need the downtime to rest and repair themselves. A lunch break gives your brain a similar opportunity. And emotionally, the lunch break gives you time to get away from the cognitive demands of your job, relax a bit and recharge your emotional batteries. I think taking a lunch break should be part of everybody's wellness program. Just make sure you're eating healthfully during that lunch break!

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