Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Death Sentence

If you’re looking to lose weight and treat your body with more dignity and respect, you must avoid The Death Sentence. In this case, I’m not talking about a decision handed down by a judge for some heinous crime. No, the death sentence I’m talking about is a self-imposed penalty that refers to any sentence you utter that results in unhealthy food going into your mouth. Some examples of death sentences include: “Sure, I’ll have more of those French fries,” or “I’d like extra cheese and pepperoni on that pizza, please,” or “I’ll buy the giant size bag of candy because it’s a better bargain and I’ll save money!”

For those of you who find yourselves dangerously overweight or steadily moving in that direction, please be aware that these are the very sentences that lead you to bouts of unhealthy eating. My purpose today is to help you increase your awareness about the power of the words you use and how they affect your actions. If I have been successful, you are already thinking about the death sentences that pass your lips daily. Your words have an enormous influence on the kind of life you live and quality of health choices you make. If you can learn to begin making healthier statements, you will put yourself in the perfect position to begin making healthier life choices. If you can do that, perhaps you can avoid the death sentence and sentence yourself to life instead!~ John H. Sklare
#loseweightnow #askmehow #3daytrialpack